To Grace;
Thank you soooo much for your comment! It's been quite a long time since I've talked with you!!!
My English is still a mess and there are a lot of parts that I translated directory from what I wrote (direct translations are always no good....), so you might not understand what exactly what I meant but I'm gonna try.
It always keeps staying in one part of my mind and I can't say "you are completely wrong!" so far.
I don’t have particular religion, but I think that is because I was raised in Japanese culture that has respects for multitude spirits in it.
After I got more chances to go to U.S. and I've got into Vet school and became more close to science, it become more frequently for me to think about Christianity.
For me, what the Bible tries to say is full of common senses to me. When I read about Buddhism and Shinto, they’re all telling us about “what is right things to do”, for example, “If you give something good to others, you will take good things back from others.”
My huge question is why do we need God to do the right things.
We have been living for over thousands of years after the Bible had written. We can learn what is morally right from proverbs or instructions of our ancestors without reading religious doctrine or the Bible. I haven't needed religion to execute right thing in my life so far.
But, after I came back from a church meeting a lot of people who still believe what happened in thousands of years ago, blessing the God and each other, sing holy songs and pray for the God, it came in my mind, what is the difference between me and them? What is the gap that makes me and them different?
I have to say, I love to go to Church. I don't even know why. The chorus makes me cry most of the time when I go to church. Well, I used to cry for 3 hours at my friend's concert, so I am definitely easy to be touched... But at the same time, I think singing in front of people requires strong determination to do, and is based on their strong beliefs. It's not like little kids made to sing in front of their parents. Probably I was moved by their unpredictable strong beliefs...
This looks pretty much like the Japanese situation right now. About nuclear weapon and Self Defense Force. We can interpret a lot of different things from one article of one constitution, but a lot of Japanese, including me want to keep not to have nuclear weapon and be unarmed.
I want to ask a lot of people about their Christianity and/or their faiths, and want to have opinion from them. Japanese, American even from other people who believe in different religion.