Monday, May 02, 2011

Yoko's birth plan

Stage I (12-18hrs): Dilation to 10cm
- Early stage
- Active stage
- Transition stage
Stage II (2hrs): Pushing
Stage III (mins): Delivering the placenta

During Stage I, I want to focus on three things AT HOME; controlled breathing, positioning, relaxation

To accomplish those, I need the followings;
Water (to drink)
Heater (Heat pad and bag)
Ice pack
Relaxation and Controlled breathing
(Level1: 4 in 8 out, slow breathing)
(Level2: 1 in 1 out, fast breathing)
(Level3: hee-hee-hee-foooooo)

Till the urge to push, 3-1-1 (3min apart contraction, 1min long contraction, lasting 1hr), or transition stage, I want to do the followings while changing the position every 30min. If I find a comfortable position, I might stick to it longer than 30min.
Armless chair
Kneeling (rocking or one knee up)
Balance ball

Then, I will to walk to the hospital with my hospital bag and the baby carrier.

During Stage II, pushing stage, I will push using contractions.
Breathing pattern will be;
1- Inhale-exhale
2- Inhale-exhale
3- Inhale-hold the breath for 6sec while pushing-exhale
4- Inhale-hold the breath for 6sec while pushing-exhale
5- Inhale-hold the breath for 6sec while pushing-exhale
Repeat the whole thing during the next contraction.
I want my supporter to remind me to relax or open my V and no holding breath in my face when I’m pushing.

No mentioning about me pooping, tearing, what so ever! This will freak me out and probably discourage me from pushing hard.

I want Will to cut the cord.
I want my supporter to remind me to see my placenta. I might forget to do this with the excitement of the birth.


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