Friday, January 27, 2006


I start to read The Japan Times Online!! (I subscribe to The Japan Time Weekly)
It helps me to chatch up with world occasions, brush up my reading skill and know how to explain Japan in English.

I decide to do this because these 3 things are important to my TOEFL writing. But more than this, I think I should make myself involve in a grown up state. I should know more about Japan and what are happening in the world.

Bye-bye, Peter Pan!

Thursday, January 26, 2006







だからその時は私は、この科学者が、その細胞にこれだけの思い入れをしているということに、ものすごく感動した。その細胞は先生自身の知識欲を満たすものかもしれないし、先生の未来の科学に伝えたものなのかもしれないし、またその両方かも知れないし、もっと門井先生なりの多くの意味があるかもしれない。 ただ、その姿は何も語らなくても、多くの事を私に考えさせた。留学に対する私の姿勢、将来に関する私の姿勢についてだった。私の姿勢すべては先生に比べるとあまりにもお粗末で、子供じみ過ぎだと思った。


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Addition to my New Year Resolution

Smile when greet to people.
Try to change my hand writing.

In order to be nice to pople and change my impacience.

Writing Topic 5

Your government has annouced that it wishes to build a military base near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the military base?

Recently, we had some large scale of terrorisms in the U.S.A. and England. Having a military base in or close to your community might not be impossible thing to happen. But havin it in one's community has merits and demerits. If my governmetn annouced that it wants to built a base near my community, I will support the base.

Having the acutual military that is willing to save not only your community but also your country near my community makes you feel more safe because of its realty, and scince a lot of people are going to move into your community, its economy will grow. You will be able to see what solder are doing in thier base, so you can understand more about military.

On the other hand, if your community are going to have a military base, it could be noisy because of its training by guns and planes, could be severly dangerous when plane crushs happen over your community and could take a lot of land and make the place that people live smaller.

We need more safety scince we recently had some large scale of terrorisms and it is easy to imagine that some of them are going to happen soon. There is a choice to make artificial land for military but it is bad for our environment at the same time. These are why I support to have a military in our community.

I did write this in 30 mins but i know that this contains a lot of gramatical, spelling mistakes... and is not flowing.
I really don't know how to write this comparision essay. The comparision ssays must have introduction, body that includes comparision part, and my idea about that. Do I have to put why I agree/disagree to the statement and write also the conclusion? Or I don't need to write the conclusion.... :(

Model Test 1 Results

BARRON'S model test 1
Section 1: Listening 45/50
Section 2: Structure 20/25
Section 3: Reading 29/45 ----oops!

Section 3--- I can't predict the meaning of underlined words by reading contexts. Vocabs. Need to read more!


Three Steps for Writing Short Essays (BARRON'S)

1) A Good Begining is(THESIS)
#short---------------------Two or three sentences is enough
#direct---------------------In the case of a comparision, state both sides of the argument in your first sentence
#an outline-----------------give the reader a general idea of your plan
2) Good Comments(BODY)
#include several points-----In the case of a comparison, three reasons is a standard
#are all related-------------All of the comments should relate to the general statement in the first sentence.
#are logical-----------------The points should be based on evidence
#are not judgement--------Judgments usually use words like "good"or "bad", "right" or "wrong". Judgements are not good comments
3) A Good Ending is(CONCLUSION)
#a summary---------------The last sentence is similar to the first sentence. It doesnot include a new idea

Friday, January 13, 2006












Thursday, January 12, 2006



Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Writing Topic 4

It has been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and cantrast knowledge gained from exparience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

What we learn from our experience are practical things.
we can apply what we learn from our exparience to new things. One of my friends got a waitress job for the first time in her life. She didn't know not only what to do but what the costmers wanted; good services, impression. As she kept doing that job, she began to know what kind of words she had to use to make costmers feel good about the restaurant, and at what situation she should smile to them to give them a good impression. After she gets the whole waitress experience, her character changed in a good way. Now she knows how to make her friends feel good, and she can think about what her friends might want, just like in a way to think about the restaurant's custmers.

we can get more successed cases when we use the knowledge from our experience than when we use the knowledge from books that we have read. A sister of one of my friends is a doctor. When she tries to get a blood sample from one of her patients, the only thing that she thinks about is to get a blood. She palpates the blood vessel and stick a needle in the angle that she thinks it's going to hit the vessel. And most in this kind of cases, she can get blood samples. In the textbook that she used when she was in medical school, it is said that when one tries to get a blood sample, one has to insert the needle in 45 degrees and then pull the inner cylinge tp obtain the blood. But what she says is, nobody has the same shape of blood vessel, depth of


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Writing Topic 3

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In the 20th century, a lot of useful electric home products, such as microwaves and refrigurator/freezer were invented. And that led the invention of conveinient foods such as frozen and instant foods and those new type of foods changed our ways to prepare foods and improve our lifves remarkably. Although we should not ignore the fact that taking too much of conveinient foods are sometimes bad for our health, but the precious time that we can save by useing them is also the fact that we have to appriciate.

Scince frozen and conveinient foods are frozen "cooked" foods, "boiled" vegitables and "cooked-freeze-dry" foods, all we had to do to cook these kinds of foods are heating them up or boiling them in a few minutes. This is why we can make our cooking time shorter than we used to do when we did not useing them. For examples, when my friend tried to make lasagna after she came back from colledge, she had to make pasta and tomato sause, and make layers of them in a plate and bake it in oven, and it took her about 2 hours to make it. And she also had to clean up cooking tools and plates that she used. After finished doing that she was so exhausted that she couldn't do any other things that she had to that day, such as her homework. By this lesson, now she eats frozen lasagna when she wants to eat it. When she makes this, all she has to do is to put frozen lasagna in a microwave, press the button and wait a few minutes. She doesn't need to wash any plates, cooking tools after she eats it and it only take her a few minutes to make it so she will have plenty of time to do other stuffs that she has to do in that day.

On the other hand, there are also the fact that taking too many conveinient foods has bad effects on our health. 2 years ago, a single old lady has died in Japan of malnutrition. She lived by herself and only could buy cheap instant noodles to eat. Becouse she couldn't take balanced nutrition from the foods she die of it. And almost a half of resent Japanese children have less ability to recognize the difference of salty and bitter than the old Japanese children had becouse they take more amount of conveinient foods which have simplified taste than the old children did.

However, these bad effects on human health by conveinient foods only happened when there is an exclusive and continuous consumption of them. Our lived has improved in a way that we can spend our time to other thing than just cooking. But to make frozen and conveinient foods bad for our health or make them useful for our lives is up to our way of taking them.

Monday, January 09, 2006







Sunday, January 01, 2006

Writing Topic 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I diagree because
1. they tend to divorce these days---Yoshie
2. kids are rised by the way that the parents want ---Mio, Ryo
3. parents only by themselves can't give enough education to their kids--General

  Teachers are people who give us advanced knowledge than we already have and sometimes give us a hint to change our lives to better good. Parents are the first teachers that we meet in our lives, but we can't say that they are always the best. Therefor I disagree to the given statement that says "Parents are the best teachers."

  In resent Japanese society, women have been able to get a lot of oppotunities to get a job. So women have been able to think what they want to do in their live becouse they have been able to earn enough money by themselves to discuss about their possibilities. That's one of the reasons that we can see much more devorced parents these days than we used to. If they have children, a devorce could have bad effects to their children. One of my friend's parent got devorced when she was 6 years old, that was why she couldn't depend on to their parents as a child because they had their problem already at that time and the fact made her to be too strong that she could. And that is why she still has personal problems to make good relationships with other people.

  I read books about anorexia. Anorexia is a disease that makes you unable to eat because of your mental problems. In all books, it is said that most of all cases of this disease's cause is his or her (who is suffered from this disease) parent. It is also said that parent's too much expectation to their child and not recognize it as a big problem to their children's mental development tend to lead their children to be mental patient and sometime to be anorexia. In these case, what did change their lives and made them to be able to spend their live nomally was, it is depend on the cases, his or her wife and husband, thier friends and doctors who treated them.

  There is a famous story about Albert Einsten. His school teacher gave him bad grades because of his strange answers in classes but her mother believed in his possibility and let him learn whatever he wants to. And that is one of the things that led him to become one of the greatest physicists in the world. By this story, we can see that his mother was his best supporter, but not the best teacher.
  The best teacher is different from each others. Sometime that would be their teachers, their friends and peaple that they know. I disagree to the given statement

Resolution of 2006

1) Brush up my written English skill
2) Choose 8 colleges I will apply
3) Read 10 English books
4) Get 600 on my TOEFL
5) Break up with Chyongu