Safety Class
I had Safety Class yesterday.
The lecturer was a female police officer, Christine.

She is wearing a bullet proof vest on this hot day.

The back seats of police cars are made of plastic. Not of fabric like in front seats.
Most of international students thought that is because bad guys don't deserve nice treatment in a police car. But turns out, it's because the drunken people do their stuff whenever they are, like peeing and puking.

A poor Kazakhstan student, Galum, is getting arrested.
カザフスタンの学生が逮捕! by TAMUニュースウィーク

My Libyan roommate, Adnan, on a police car. He's always busy making bombs everyday. Watch out with those Arabic with heavy backpacks. He's smiling because he's about to conquer his plan...
He is very friendly and teaches me a lot about Muslim. I like him a lot:) I'm glad that he's my roommate. It's too bad that I can not visit him to his hometown because that's against the Arabic tradition.

The lecturer was a female police officer, Christine.
She is wearing a bullet proof vest on this hot day.
The back seats of police cars are made of plastic. Not of fabric like in front seats.
Most of international students thought that is because bad guys don't deserve nice treatment in a police car. But turns out, it's because the drunken people do their stuff whenever they are, like peeing and puking.
A poor Kazakhstan student, Galum, is getting arrested.
カザフスタンの学生が逮捕! by TAMUニュースウィーク
My Libyan roommate, Adnan, on a police car. He's always busy making bombs everyday. Watch out with those Arabic with heavy backpacks. He's smiling because he's about to conquer his plan...
He is very friendly and teaches me a lot about Muslim. I like him a lot:) I'm glad that he's my roommate. It's too bad that I can not visit him to his hometown because that's against the Arabic tradition.
your roomie is cute!
陽ちゃん・・・it's an unwritten rule that you shouldn't write about your roommate...the word "bomb" and "watch out" and "backpack." I guarantee that CIA is all over ur blog by now. I would hate for him to get arrested in a wrong way.
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